Since 1733

Comprehensive Linens

"Perhaps The Most Comprehensive Linen Experts In The World"

Comprehensive Linens

An Unmatched Heritage: Your Trusted Experts in Luxury Linens

Boasting a lineage in linen that traces back to our origins as Mercers in Laugharne, South Wales in 1733, through to our evolution as linen manufacturers in the early 19th century and culminating in the establishment of our shop in 1895. Woods has an unmatched heritage.

William Woods has garnered global acclaim, regarded by many as the 'doyen' of the linen trade. With a background rooted in the mills, William has honed his skills through hands-on experience in spinning, weaving, bleaching, and dyeing processes. Thus, William brings a profound knowledge and a nuanced understanding to the world of linen.

For example read: The Nonsense of Thread Counts

This unique history endows Woods with a comprehensive product range and unparalleled expertise in the field of linen, offering you a reliable basis for executing designs for your clients.

Below is a list of your potential offer.

50+ Luxury Bed Linen Designs

500+ Colour Customisation Options

27+ Types of Luxury Pillows

Many Types of Luxurious Duvets, Mattress Toppers & Protectors

200+ Customisable Towel & Mat Choices & Coordinating Robes

A Comprehensive Range of Superb Table Linens with Custom Sizes

Extensive Kitchen Linens Made Exclusively in Qualities of a Bygone Era

Customisable Embroidery
Build Loyalty
Wide Colour Palette
Industry Pricing
Long Lasting
Fast Turnaround